Friday 31 December 2010


In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah... when I wake up this morning I'm still alive... still can see the world... not the 'underground'...
yOu get me rite? 
Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah...Alhamdulillah... 
thats means Allah still give me chances to seek His Forgiveness..

Allah always give us the chances for our turning back to Him...
I repeat... 
with 's'... ok?
means... its up to you whether yOu want to benefits that CHANCES or not... 
please bear in your minds... 
grab it or you will regret it forever even till in the here after... believe me..

رَبَّنَآ أَخۡرِجۡنَا مِنۡہَا فَإِنۡ عُدۡنَا فَإِنَّا ظَـٰلِمُونَ 

Our Lord, remove us from it, and if we were to return [to evil], we would indeed be wrongdoers.” (107)
Al-Mukminun (23:107)

to whose deny Al-Quran will regret and seek for a chance when its tOo late.. 
so.. think carefully before you make the decision! 

well today is the last day on 2010... 
I keep wondering if there in Malaysia still have the new year concert... 
and such worse things than it... 
argh! when will it over?
I need someone like Salahuddin al-Ayubi or Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh!
I need syabab like them.... 
when the Islam is practised as a whole... everything will be fine...

as I talking about the time... 
we do not know when our given date rite? I means the death... 
yes! I means it! 
everyone has their own expired date... 
we simply can't stop it or run from it... 
if you feel that you still have a loooonggggggggg long time more... stop! and think back! 
you are totally wrong!
do you confident enough that there will be tomorrow for you? 
dunya (life) is just a short time... 
we don't even know what will happen a moments later... 

2010 has come to the end doesn't means that you and me will meet the end of 2011! 
remember that dear.... 


this morning I had my arabic class... 
we finished our class right exactly after azan.. 
its Gummuah (Friday's prayer-egyptians slang)! 
I decided to walk to go home... 
along the way I saw such a confuse condition... 
I means the behavior of people towards the calling to come early to masjid... 
what happened?!
I still saw ammu smoking along the street... 
guys were walking here and there... 
the children still playing around... 
oh! come on man! this is not what Islam teach us! 
wake up! 
as our brothers in Palestine have superb big huge problems to perform their Gummuah there but they still perform it! 
but here or anywhere... 
we can perform it freely and peacefully... but we waste it! 
I feel sick walking along home... 
argh! what happen to the ummah... 
like I had said before... 
Islam ALONE can safe this ummah.... 
what will Muhammad pbuh feels if he is with us today? 
we said that we love him.... 
*do you?*
when we love someone, automatically we will always try to make the person in the BEST feeling...
don't you?

I have a lots of things to say but I can't manage to arrange my words.... TT_____TT


have a better time with the REAL ISLAM... 

always renew your ( to myself tOo ) ibadah! 

together seek for Allah FORGIVENESS...

*when I was walking home.. 
two small arabic girls came to me... 
they asked me a lots! 
then they say, 'bus...bus...' which means 'kiss...kiss...'...
I just stand straight up but they pulled me to bow...
they kissed my both cheeks many times....
seems like we had know each others for a long time~
soOoOoOOo friendly!
ouh! I forgot their name already...
even met them just for a short time...
I learnt something...
from small girl!
we are sisters!
no matter what...
as long as we are muslim, we are brothers and sisters!*

Wednesday 29 December 2010

do something!

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah... I'm still here... still alive! phew~

nampaknye 2010 nak melabuhkan tirainye dah... aku masih menghitung diri... sepanjang 2010 ni... ape yang aku dah buat... sesungguhnya setiap detik ketika dalam kehidupan kita akan disoal kelak... even masa yang aku gunakan untuk menaip entry ni... don't yOu know that dear? hanya ampunan dan rahmat Allah yang aku harapkan...

mmmm... this morning.... its raining again in mansoura... langit gelap... awan berarak... mendung... and of course its cold! barid awi... 

sedang aku mengeluh tengok kena angkat balik pakaian kat ampaian... aku tersentak dan terdiam lantas terfikir... 
something approaches me... 
in my mind... 
in my heart..
 aku mengeluh?! astragfirullah... 
kufur nikmatkah aku?

merasakan hangatnya sweater... selesa nye hawa haba di bilik aku... menjadikan aku malu... malu... sebab apa? for what you asked me? mmm... I shamed myself... aku leka selesa.. bermalas-malasan di sini.... padahal... my brothers and sisters in Palestine... what were they through this winter?... kelu.... my words were tied~ wujudkah baju tebal untuk mereka membaluti tubuh? jauh sekali heater untuk menghangatkan badan... 

aku berkira-kira... aku dekat di sini... tapi tak boleh buat ape.... doa... ya... doa sahaja yang aku mampu panjatkan...

pertama kali aku mendengar deruan jet pejuang di angkasa mansoura ini... aku mendingak ke atas... mencari-cari... apakah itu? tak kan kapal terbang kot... kat ukm dulu tak ade pun bunyi flight seganas ini... lepas beberapa kali aku amati sepanjang duduk di sini... sedarlah aku bahawa itu jet pejuang... yang 'mengaum', 'mendengus' kasar di angkasa raya...roarrr! ya... setiap kali mendengar bunyi itu aku sakit hati... iyelah.. tak kan la milik mesir kot... nak wat pe... aku merasa kan itu milik israel laknatullah durjana itu... yang tidak akan berhenti merencanakan kemusnahan Palestin... hmmm... bunyi itu amat mengganggu aku... 

aku membayangkan saudara seaqidah aku di sana... semestinya mereka menanggung rasa yang jauh lebih hebat daripada yang aku rasakan ini... benci yang membuak2 merobek dada... aku hanya mendengar bunyi itu berlalu... namun mereka di Palestin? sejurus mendengar bunyi itu akan diserang... 
aku tak mampu membayangkannya!

winter ini banyak sekali menyedarkan aku.... tidak semena-mena.. pelbagai perasaan dan kesedaran bercambah dan aku harap akan membuahkan keinsafan yang menjemput keampunan Allah Yang Esa... 
aku yakin Allah taala sentiase bersama-sama mereka di Palestin...
 aku yakin!

tidak terasakah kamu... tidak malukah kamu... takala kesenangan mengelilingimu... ketika kemewahan menyelubungimu... 
saudaramu di Palestin terseksa, tertindas di tanah bumi sendiri... ayuh! bangunlah dari lenamu! 

wake up!

 they need yOu!

*boikot je semua tanpa banyak soal... senarai bawah ni baru sikit.. get to know banyak lagi brand distribute to israel!*

doakan mereka sentiasa...
sesungguhnya Allah memakbulkan doa hamba-Nya yang mendoakan saudaranya yang lain tanpa pengetahuan saudaranya itu...

sedarlah bahawa isu Palestin bukanlah isu yang bermusim!

we have to concern about our brothers and sisters there every single seconds!

Tuesday 28 December 2010

bint ummi wa abbi!

Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... masih lagi diberi peluang menikmati oksigen tanpa dikenakan bayaran oleh yang Maha Kaya.... 
(mane ade menda free kat dunia... nak melepas pun kena bayar ok?)

Alhamdulillah syukur dengan nikmat yang diberi-Nya... tidak terkira malah tidak terhitung akan aku... Alhamdulillah juga aku masih mengecapi nikmat beribu bapa.... korang syukur tak? tak rasa? cuba fikir kat golongan yang tak pernah jumpa dan nikmati adanya ibu bapa.... nyesal aku cakap hang kalau korang tak bersyukur sekarang... rugi!

Alhamdulillah... takdir yang menempatkan aku ke bumi anbiya' ini... bumi mesir ni membawa 1001 makna... even baru genap 96 hari aku kat sini... mungkin korang rasa kejap meh.. bagi aku... rasa cam dah bertahun-tahun siyh.. 

ya... TEPAT! kat sinilah baru aku menyedari NIKMAT berIBU BAPA itu... jahilnye aku sebelum ini... moga2 karat jahiliyyah ni terhakis sepenuhnya selari dengan berlalunya waktu... amin~ *aminkan sekali weh!*

yup... sebelum ni... time form 4 ngan form 5 aku duk asrama... jauh dari family... rindu gak kat mak ayah... tiap2 malam gak call mak ayah bawah bantal sampai dormmates ingat aku duk gayut ngan bf... (ape kejadahnye la nak tepon pakwe... xde class~) ade masalh sikit... rasa jiwa kacau... rasa down.. rasa susah.. rasa sesak... aku ngadu gak kat mak ayah... yup.. semua tu aku pernah gak buat dulu dan sekarang ni apatah lagi.... tambah2 lagi...

tapi kat sini... aku rasa nilai kenikmatan tu amat berbeza sekali... aku tak tau nak describe camne... tapi seriously cakap... dulu nak share masalah pun cover2 ngan mak ayah.. certain2 part... certain2 probs je.. tapi sekarang... semua aku duk bagi tau... semuanya! 

Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... aku rasa bertuah sangat sebab mak ayah aku sanggup duk depan laptop or duk dengar handphone dorang... spend time dengar ape aku nak cakap... even kalau ikutkan... dorang letih kot... banyak lagi mende dorang nak wat.. tapi sanggup dengar aku cakap, ngadu ape2 pun... dengar dengan penuh perhatian... bagi nasihat tak jemu2... kalau ikutkan... mende yang aku cakap mende yang sama... yang lebih kurang.. tapi itulah kasih sayang sejati mak ayah pada aku... tak jemu dorang... setia je dengar... tak ade pun suruh aku senyap.. tak ade pun cakap aku ni 'radio rosak' cakap mende yang sama... tak ade pun marah aku sebab ulang cakap mende yang sama.... mana nak aku cari ganti beb?! itu je lah mak ayah aku dunia akhirat!

tapi... bila aku refleks diri balik... banyak nye dosa aku kat dorang... cuba lah korang duduk sejenak.. fikirkan selama yang kita dah hidup ni... ape je yang kita dah buat untuk mak ayah kita? aku mengaku... aku menyesal sangat... kekadang terfikir...
 "aduish! tak malunye aku ni... kadang duk marah mak ayah... duk kate mak ayah... ni lah.. tu lah... semua tak cukup... semua tak kena... serba serbi lah.... tapi... balik2... kat rumah dorang lah aku berteduh... duk guna duit yang dorang usahakan... semua milik dorang kot aku guna... aku ni? haih... ape je ade? huish... tak malu betul... sekarang plak... time susah.. time sempit... duk cari mak ayah gak... tak malu.. tak malu... mane la nak nyorok muka ni....."

korang pernah terfikir tak? mmm... tak tau lah kalau korang yang membaca ni... anak yang free dari syndromes2 yang aku cakap tadi.... apalah mereka sebagai ibu bapa kita yang bersusah payah semata-mata untuk kita rasa bila kita wat camtu kan... iye.... dulu aku tak pernah terfikir pun... sekarang tersentak...terasa...tersadung...tersedar..ter..ter..ter.. ape lagi ter ntah.... setiap lagi terlintas pasal mende ni... aku rasa teramat kerdil dan bersalah yang amat! mau je aku tempah emergency flight ticket balik malaysia sekarang gak... cari mak ayah aku... peluk salam cium mereka... sujud kat kaki dorang... betapa aku tak pandai bersyukur ngan nikmat itu dulu...

ya... dulu selepas aku meluahkan ape2 kat mak ayah... semuanya berakhir di situ... betapa aku mementingkan diri dengan hanya memikirkan kesenangan diri aku.... asal aku tenang sudah... tak terfikir pun pasal dorang... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... sekarang... nilai RINDU kepada mak ayah tu amat terasa... setiap saat aku ingat mak ayah... makan, ingat mak ayah... nak tido, ingat mak ayah... on da way gi kuliah, ingat mak ayah... time study, ingat mak ayah.... sampai lecture hall, ingat mak ayah... sampaikan tengah lecture pun aku ingat mak ayah... siap boleh relate kan plak lectures aku tu ngan dorang! aduish! parah kan RINDU ni... tapi tak pe... sebab insya-Allah rindu ini rindu yang diberkati... rindu yang mendapat rahmat... aku rindu nak tengok muka mak ayah aku depan2... tak best kat skype meh~ eh... tau kan? sesungguhnya memandang 3 perkara tanpa sekelumit niat pun akan dapat pahala... even kita tak niat apa2 pun! 3 perkara itu ialah.... memandang Ka'abah... memandang Al-Quran (isi dalam ye... bukan cover nye je)... akhir sekali... memandang muka ibu bapa kita! Ya Allah! betapa besar nye rahmat Allah! ape lagi la yang aku nak.... *nyesal..nyesal...* tu lah... kan Allah dah soal kita dalam Al-Quran... 

"Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?" 

hah! 31 kali Allah soal kita tau?!
*tersentap aku*

Alhamdulillah... aku menyedari itu semua sekarang... dan aku kira masih belum terlambat... bayangkan lah kalau aku tak sedar2 diri gak... tetiba takdir, kuasa Allah... dorang pergi... masa tu baru aku tersedar... mau aku meraung jadi histeria kot....(nauzubillah) 

Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah.... 
aku menyeru kalian semua... marilah didik hati, diri dan nafsu kita ni.... buka mata.. buka minda... buka hati.... mereka semakin tua... waktu semakin berlalu... setiap insan ade expired date... anda semua termasuk diri aku sendiri gak... semua insan ade dateline... so... sebelum ketika itu hadir... hargai lah ibu bapa kita... tak rugi pun! malah kita yang untung... untung dunia... untung akhirat... insya-Allah... destinasi dan matlamat kita kat negeri akhirat nanti kan?... jadi... apa tunggu lagi? hormati mereka... sayangi mereka... cintai mereka... rindui mereka... mereka sanggup lakukan apa sahaja untuk kita.... berkorban setiap sesuatu untuk kita... kita? kiat ni wat ape je? mengabiskan beras je ke? lu pikir a sendiri beb!

hah?! ape?! malu? segan? rasa tak ayu nak salam peluk cium ibu bapa sendiri?! rasa tak rock, tak macho nak peluk salam cium ibu bapa sendiri?! takut member2, orang sekeliling duk ngata?! haih... peduli ape? hidup kita meh~ hamboih.... bukan main lagi ye... cuba a korang fikir kalau lah ibu bapa kita dulu rasa malu segan yang tak rasional, tak bertempat ni dulu time nak pimpin tangan kita jalan...lintas jalan.... tak ke korang ni dah jadi mangsa jalanan? kalaulah ibu bapa kita rasa malas nak dukung kita waktu kita dah penat jalan time kecik2 dulu... tak ke korang dah kena tinggal kat mana2 ntah.... kalaulah time korang terbuang air kecik dalam seluar waktu riang gumbira main kat taman permainan kanak-kanak dulu...then ibu bapa korang wat dunno... malu nak ngaku anak... hah! ape jadi?! boleh fikir tak? haaaaa.... banyak kan alasan kita... yang duk pimpin2 ngan pakwe makwe tu tak rasa ape2 halangan plak.... bila2 je boleh? segalanya demi cinta a orang cakap... heh... sanggup je buat ape2 berkorban segala untuk orang yang baru korang kenal tak seberapa tu... untuk ibu bapa yang jaga korang dari sebelum terbentuknya apa2 jenis organ korang tu sampai la sekarang ni... banyak plak, bersusun berjela2 eh alasan korang bagi kan?

tolonglah hargai mereka... 
ape lagi yang korang nak?
 tak ada ibu bapa kita tu...
tak wujudnye kita ni haaaa...

so... apa tunggu lagi.. pas abis baca bebelan aku ni... gi call ibu bapa masing2.. even ibu bapa korang rasa korang buang tabiat ke ape ke tetiba call dorang... buang lah andaian tu... berubah lah sekarang... jangan nak berkira ye cakap top up tak ade lah ape lah... call pakwe makwe boleh je? berkira... padahal still guna duit mak ayah... jangan plak assume duit biasiswa ke pinjaman ke duit gaji ke tu duit hak milik kekal korang... tu semua duit ibu bapa korang tau... sebab kalu tak start ngan duit ibu bapa korang, dapat ke korang duit tadi tu? ada paham ka? hah?! tunggu ape lagi?
call sekarang!!!

semua ini peringatan untuk diri aku sendiri dan seluruh umat manusia di luar sana....


Sunday 26 December 2010

i love ISLAM... do yOu?

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Islam is a way of life, follow it
Islam is a gift, accept it
Islam is a journey, complete it
Islam is a struggle, fight for it
Islam is a goal, achieve it
Islam is an opportunity, take it
Islam is not a game, don't play with it
Islam is not a mystery, behold it
Islam is not for cowards, face it
Islam is not for the dead, live it
Islam is a promise, fulfill it
Islam is a duty, perform it
Islam is a treasure (the Prayer), pray it
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it
Islam has a message for yOu, hear it
Islam is love, love it!

bring back ISLAM!

Saturday 25 December 2010

some sharing... =)

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

I'm spending my 3 days without lectures by watching Baba Ali videos! 
yOu know him? 
better yOu know him... 
yOu will take a lot of lessons there... 


open yOur eyes
open yOur mind
open yOur heart!

 his videos can be watched at or or 
enjoy! ;)

has some try~

Friday 24 December 2010

merry christmas? naahhhhh~

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

oooopppppssss... I'm not going to wish you guys for the christmas... at Egypt the christmas will be on 7th January... its confused... well I just want to share about this event... open yOur mind~ =)

this article is taken from Islamic Experiences blog by Sabeel Ahmed...

Does Christmas have Biblical Evidence?
The word 'Christmas' is not even present in the entire Bible. The Bible has closed lips on the entire feast of Christmas with one exception, the decoration of tree. Fortunately, for the Christians, the Bible does has a word or two to say on the decoration of the Christmas tree, but unfortunately for them, their own Bible criticizes the use of decorating tree:
"The customs of the people are worthless, they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel, they adore it with silver and gold, they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter" (Jeremiah 10:3,4).

Pre-Christian pagans superstitiously believed that the evergreen tree has special power of protection. In fact, the use of Christmas tree began in the 17th century, in Strasbourg, France and from there it spread to Germany, Britain and then to the U.S. "Tree worship was a common feature of religion among the Teutonic and Scandinavian peoples of northern Europe before their conversion to Christianity…German settlers brought the Christmas tree custom to the American colonies in the 17th century. By the 19th century its use was quite widespread". (Compton's Encyclopedia, 1998 Edition)

Was Jesus Born on Dec. 25th?
Neither the date 25th Dec. nor any other date on Jesus' birth is mentioned in the Bible. Not until the year 530 C.E., that a monk, Dionysus Exigus, fixed the date of the birth of Jesus on Dec. 25th. "He wrongly dated the birth of Christ according to the Roman system (i.e., 754 years after the founding of Rome) as Dec. 25, 753". (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 ed.) This date was chosen perhaps in keeping with the holidays already indoctrinated into pagans.

Roman pagans celebrated Dec. 25th as the birth of their 'god' of light, Mithra. "In the 2nd century A..D., it (Mithraism) was more general in the Roman Empire than Christianity, to which it bore many similarities" (The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, 1995 ed.)
"The reason why Christmas came to be celebrated on December 25 remains uncertain, but most probably the reason is that early Christians wished the date to coincide with the pagan Roman festival marking the "birthday of the unconquered sun" (natalis solis invicti); this festival celebrated the winter solstice, when the days again begin to lengthen and the sun begins to climb higher in the sky". (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 Ed.)
Other pagan 'gods' born on Dec. 25th are: Hercules, the son of Zeus (Greeks) Bacchus, god of wind, (Romans),Adenis god of Greeks Freyr the Greek-Roman god.

What about Santa Claus?
Once again the word 'Santa Claus' appears no where in the bible. However Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was a real person, bishop, who was born 300 years after Jesus (pbuh). According to legend he was extremely kind and went out at night to distribute presents to the needy. After his death on the 6th of Dec., school boys in Europe celebrated a feast day every year on the anniversary of his death. Queen Victoria later changed the celebration date from Dec. 6th to Dec. 24th eve.

Thus Christmas is an innovation (bidah) in their religion, associating it with Santa Claus, and changing the original date of death anniversary of Saint Nicholas are further deviations.
Did Jesus or his companions celebrated Christmas?
Of course not. If Jesus meant his 'Ummah' to celebrate Christmas, he would have practiced it himself and enjoined it on his followers. Even the 'supposed pseudo-companions' of Jesus (and not the companions of Jesus mentioned in the Quran who called themselves as Muslims) mentioned in the bible made many innovations in their religion, but celebrating Christmas was not their endeavor.

"In fact, the church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event until the 4th century" (Grolier's Encyclopedia).

Even if Christianity passed the above two test, they still have to prove that their Bible have remained unaltered since its revelation. A whole separate article could be written on this topic.

We'll mention three brief points, insha Allah. (1) Bible, unlike our Quran, was not written down during Jesus' lifetime and no evidence of it ever being memorized. (2) The oldest bible (Codex Siniticas) in possession of Christendom is only from the 4th century C.E. (3) verses are missing or added as to the Bible throughout the centuries. Compare different Bible versions (eg. compare the King James Version with Revised Standard Version. For verse: 1 John 5:7, this verse is missing in Revised Standard Version published in 1952).

How unfortunate and pitiful: parts of the original Bible has been lost. Part surviving has been corrupted and the corrupted parts has been misinterpreted.

How should Muslims React to Christmas?
Being the custodians of Truth and the 'Best Ummah created for mankind" and "witnesses unto Mankind", we Muslims just can't stay still as the society around us is entrapped by Satan. Enjoining good and forbidding evil should be our theme.

The foremost thing to realize is that Christmas is a big innovation which is leading a big part of humanity to shirk (associating partners with God). Christianity has transgressed the limits set by Allah; therefore showing happiness and joy on Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Good Friday is like shaking hands with Satan and telling him to carry on the good work.

Remember Allah commandment to us in the Quran:
"Help you one another in virtue and righteousness, but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah, verily Allah is severe in punishment". 
(Quran, 5:2)

Therefore, a Muslim can't enjoin in any aspect of Christmas in the disguise that Jesus is our Prophet too, we are just honoring him by celebrating Christmas. We should recognize the bidah of Christmas and the Prophet's warning that all bidah should be rejected. Therefore, accepting Christmas invitations, attending Christmas parties, buying small plastic Christmas trees to please the kids (some Muslims actually do) should be avoided.

By greeting Christians with 'merry Christmas' we are legitimizing Christmas, by driving out on Christmas eve to witness the decoration of houses, we are appreciating bidah with our eyes, by placing our kids on the laps of Santa in the malls we are handing them in the hands of a fiend, by closing our Islamic Schools or shops during Christmas we are giving it our silent approval, by selling Christmas items in our shops, we are strengthening the pillars of Kufr.

By purchasing for children books with Christmas themes ('The Night before Christmas'), by watching Christmas movies and by giving holidays to our regular Islamic schools or weekend schools, we are passing them a misguided message.

Indeed Islam came to tear down the pillars of kufr and replace them with the pillars of Islam. Armed with facts on Christmas and eloquent words of Islam, the door of Dawah to the Christians should be wisely open.

When the Christians see us restraining from observing Christmas, they will curiously ask us for the reason. This opportunity should be used by each single Muslim to discuss Islam and invite non-Muslims to Islam.

It is highly recommended for all Muslims to carry brochures on Islam with them to pass on to non-Muslim classmates, co-workers, neighbors etc. after discussing Islam. Free brochures on various topics on Islam can be obtained by calling 1-718-658-1199 (for U.S. and Canadian residents).
Writing articles in campus and local newspapers on 'Jesus (pbuh) in Islam', conducting soup kitchens in impoverished neighborhoods, clothing drives in schools and college campuses for the needy etc. are some proper modes of conduct during the Christmas holiday season.

Thus the hearts and minds of non-Muslims should be exposed to the beautiful message of Islam.

Truth comes, falsehood disappears; Islam came, now shirk must clear.

the conclusion is......

bring back Islam! =)

صِبۡغَةَ ٱللَّهِ‌ۖ وَمَنۡ أَحۡسَنُ مِنَ ٱللَّهِ صِبۡغَةً۬‌ۖ وَنَحۡنُ لَهُ ۥ عَـٰبِدُونَ  (١٣٨)

[And say, "Ours is] the religion of Allah. And who is better than Allah in [ordaining] religion? And we are worshippers of Him."
Al-Baqarah (2:138)

Thursday 23 December 2010


In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

want to shout something but no ideas...
so I decide to copy and paste this article from ''... 
cowie kak nunu... 
ma3alish... ma3alish... 

so.. keep reading!

Tarbiyyah bukan untuk orang yang malas.
Dakwah bukan untuk orang yang takut nak bergerak dan mencabar diri.
Tarbiyyah bukan untuk orang yang cepat bosan, lari, lompat-lompat, sekejap down-sekejap up, cepat terasa.
Tarbiyyah bukan bagi orang yang memilih program untuk dia ikuti yang senang dan mudah join, yang penat, bersusah payah elak.

Bukan untuk orang yang mencari tarbiyyah hanya bila terasa diuji oleh tuhan. Kalau tak, batang hidung pun tak nampak.
Bukan bagi yang meletakkan dakwah hanya untuk mencari calon akhawat atau ikhwah sebagai sang isteri dan suami,
-yang join hanya untuk meminta tolong teman-teman pencerahan bila dia dalam kesusahan. Tapi kesenangan dan kelebihan yang dia dapat, tak share pun dengan orang lain.
-yang cepat mengalah,
-yang meletakkan mabit, qiamullail, daurah, dan tathqif dalam diari hanya selepas ditolak dengan semua agenda dan upacara-upacara 'penting’ yang lain.
-yang hanya pandai cakap (dan menulis), tapi amal kosong
-yang hanya tahu compare jamaah itu dengan jamaah ini, yang boleh mengkritik dan menilai harakah ini dan itu.

Dakwah bukan untuk orang yang ikut liqa’ hanya kerana nak disebut sebagai ahli dalam harakah ini dan itu, jamaah ini dan itu.
Dakwah bukan untuk orang yang tak boleh diberi tugasan last minute.
Dakwah bukanlah untuk orang yang tak nak keluarkan duit, infaq di jalan Allah.
Dakwah bukan untuk orang yang tak boleh sesekali tidur lewat, terpaksa berjalan jauh.
Dakwah bukan bagi orang yang kalau ada program untuk ikut terlibat, mesti naik motokar besar dan mewah, yang air-cond, dan laju. 
Yang tak nak naik bas, public transport, dan yang kena berpeluh-peluh.

Tarbiyah bukan untuk orang yang kena contact dan info dia setiap masa tentang perkembangan terkini sedangkan dia kena macam boss, hanya tunggu information.
Pencerahan bukan bagi mereka yang hanya nak berkawan dengan orang berduit dan berharta, yang hidup mewah, dan mengelak berkawan dengan orang susah, miskin, dan pakai comot.
Dakwah bukanlah untuk orang yang setiap masa dan ketika, kerja nak beri alasan ini dan itu. Penat, mengantuk, susah, banyak kerja, keluarga tak bagi keluar.

Tarbiyyah bukanlah segala-galanya. Tapi segala-galanya bermula dengan tarbiyyah.

Tanpa anda, orang yang sering beralasan ini, dakwah akan terus berjalan. Islam akan tetap berjaya. Ummah akan tetap terpelihara.
Cuma tanpa pencerahan, Tanpa tarbiyyah, Tanpa dakwah Belum tentu kita akan berjaya di mahsyar nanti.
Tak mengapa. Teruskan hidup anda seperti biasa. Dakwah tak memerlukan anda. Tiada siapa pun yang rugi tanpa kehadiran anda.
Berbahagialah seadanya.

Saya menghitung diri. Terlalu kerap menuturkan. “saya busy..saya sibuk..saya penat..saya letih..”
Adakah ini petandanya saya terlalu manja?
Ya Allah, tabahkan hamba-Mu. “amanah ini bukan hak milik, tp anugerah dr Nya”

keluarlah dari zon selesa, masukkan diri ke dalam medan jihad kita.
berhentilah menangis, dan teruskan langkah, tidak ada yang akan menunggu kita jika kita terlewat.

sebagai pendorong dan ingatan kepada diri saya sendiri juga...
bear in mind!

life is nothing but a test!


"Dan berjihadlah kamu di jalan Allah dengan jihad yang sebenar-benarnya. Dia telah memilih kamu, dan Dia tidak menjadikan kesukaran untukmu dalam agama......"

Surah Al-Hajj (22:78)

janji Allah itu pasti... =D